Khesed Wellness & Colorado Restaurant Foundation

Expanding Access to Mental Health Therapy for Restaurants

Khesed Wellness and the Colorado Restaurant Foundation have partnered to offer free outpatient mental health therapy for restaurant workers through an affordable monthly subscription. Each employee receives one free therapy session per month, tailored to your staff size. Khesed hires therapists with restaurant industry backgrounds and only uses funds when sessions occur. Participating restaurants can also access a crisis fund for additional support during critical times.

How To Get Started

  1. Complete the form below to sign up.

  2. Khesed will review your submission and answer any of your questions.

  3. Sign the agreement and complete the first monthly payment.

  4. Share this benefit with your employees!

Colorado Restaurant Therapy Program Inquiry & Application

What Makes This Program Unique?

  • Industry-Specific Expertise: Khesed specializes in serving the restaurant industry and hires therapists with backgrounds in the restaurant sector.

  • Tailored Monthly Rates: Your monthly program rate is based on your budget. You'll be charged for one $85 session per month per employee. If actual program enrollment exceeds projected utilization, you can increase your monthly subscription or create an employee waitlist.

  • Additional Free and Affordable Therapy Programs: Khesed offers additional programs available to participants while maintaining continuity of care with the same therapist that’s assigned based on cultural and clinical fit.

  • Flexible Funding Utilization: Unlike standard “use it or lose it” insurance benefits, funds are only utilized when therapy sessions occur.

  • Cancellation Terms: You can cancel any time with 60-day notice, or 2 more monthly pay periods. This will allow our therapists to complete their treatment plans with active employees and prioritize the client’s best interest. The remaining subscription funds will be allocated to actively enrolled employees and any sessions unused for more than 1 year after cancellation will be re-allocated to a crisis fund for program participants.

  • Colorado Restaurant Crisis Fund Access: Participating restaurants will have access to a crisis fund to provide additional support in times of great need. The crisis fund will provide free therapy for a restaurant crisis appropriate for outpatient level care. This may be the death or suicide of an employee, a hate crime, natural disaster or other tragic event. Khesed will activate the crisis fund when needed and provide 4 to 24 sessions per employee based on funding availability and need. The availability and size of the crisis fund is dependent upon foundation grants and donations from community members like you.

Donate to the crisis fund